Welcome to the fuelfonts type foundry website. Here you'll find shareware fonts designed by yours truly, ranging from having been made in 1997 up until the present. For more fonts than the ones displayed here on the front page, make sure you check out the font archive for lots more. Keep in mind that these fonts are shareware and not free to use for anything. If you download a font, please read through the readme.txt file included, or better yet, click here to read the most up to date readme file.
Remember that these fonts are SHAREWARE NOT FREE!
IMPORTANT NOTICE: My typefaces are no longer available for redistribution, which means if you have a font site and want to put my fonts on it, you can't! The reason for this is because there have been companies that have used my typefaces for commercial purposes, but got ahold of them from another website where the readme.txt file wasn't included with the download. Because of this, my fonts will only be available for downloading from my site.
Enjoy the fonts!

Font Archive
Copyright © 1997-2008 Claes Källarsson. All Rights Reserved.



















